Step by Step Instructions:
Spinning to the Right: (If spinning to the left, just reverse sides)
1. Facing upstream in the hole, keeping your eyes on the hole, let your boat begin to turn to the right and enter a sidesurf as you left your left edge. Before you lose your momentum, take a reverse sweep stroke on your right side, turning your boat downstream.
2. Just as you begin facing downstream, look back upstream at the hole over your right shoulder and switch your edges so your right edge is now lifted slightly.
3. By simply changing your head position in the previous step, your body will automatically follow, and so will your boat. To aid in completing the spin, take a forward sweep stroke on the left side of your boat to bring the bow back around into a front surf.
4. CONGRATULATIONS!! You have just completed your first spin!
When edging, keep your body in a neutral position and LIFT the edge with your thigh rather than LEANING your body to accomplish edging.
Keep your eyes upstream on the hole! Wherever you look, your torso and boat will follow!
Alterations to the Spin:
Clean Spin: Once you've mastered the spin using your paddle and have a good understanding of your edges, you can to spin without putting a blade in the water. Try to only use your edges!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day!
Kim Russell
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