Monday, October 31, 2011

Overcoming Nerves

Myself at Wishbone Falls

The Little White Salmon River has one of the most notorious reputations on the West Coast. It's hearty class V, and it's been known to hand out its fair share of beatdowns and swims to some of the best paddlers in the world. With that said, it's easily one of the best runs in the states, and is also known for its quality rapids. I have great respect for those who paddle this run, and cannot imagine paddling this on a daily basis. Beaver Lodge boys, Ryan, Nate, Tao, Lewis, Mike, Dave, and all the rest... you guys (and gals) are awesome!

This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to get out with an incredible group of paddlers, and get back on the Little White, not once, but TWICE. This was particularly awesome, because the Little White is a run I haven't been on in over two and a half years, due to nerves. But sometimes you've just got to "nut-up"! Many thanks to Ryan Scott and Nate Herbeck for showing me down and putting up with my "20 questions"... literally. Many awesome boofs were had, and smiles were abound.

Here's a photo summary from our day...Thanks Luke Spencer for the shots!

Looking down into the "flat" section of Getting Busy

Nate Herbeck (L) and Myself (R) in the lead-in to Boulder Sluice

Ryan Scott, King of the Little White, boofin' Boulder Sluice

Ryan Young (L) and Nate Herbeck (R) below Boulder Sluice

Jesse Becker boofin' Sacriledge

Chuck Taylor, a.k.a. Captain America, at the top of Double Drop

Myself at S-Turn

Johnny Ott and Ryan Scott in the Enchanted Forest

Sunday's crew gathering below Stovepipe

The "almost" Grand Finale: Spirit Falls

Here's to an awesome weekend on the water with some seriously wonderful people!

See you on the rio,

Kim Russell

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